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 GM Applications Here.

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Location : Silvermoon

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 4:27 pm

Here you can post your GM Application.

The fact that we have this post doesn't mean that we need GM's at this present time, we may, or may not need them soon, but if you write your application, you will have the certainty that here is the first place in which we will look when searching for a new GM.

A good application should have the following things said:

- Name
- Age
- Previous experience as a GM and knowledge of commands
- Knowledge of WoW, if you have played on retail and how many time.
- Why do you think you can be appropiate for the place
- Why do you wanna be a GM here
- Any other things you consider important

Applications that do not meet those requierements will be ignored or even deleted.

Also, note that we won't reply to application unless we are interested in them - there are simply too many to answer them all.
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Join date : 2009-07-07

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 6:46 pm

i would like to get Gamemaster

Name: Philipp
Age: 16
Put Up an server with my firend before so know nearly every command
I have played on many diffrent servers and understand the game philosphy
Because i know how to behave and to treat people
Because this server is new and just get started and i can be in at the beginning
I speak German, English and a bit French

your sincerly
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GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 6:54 pm

Some Problems

1: You have to be active on the forum first , so start adding some posts
2: You have to be active in game
3: Wait for the server to open
4: We will contact you from now forward , you just wait
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GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 7:29 pm

i will be nearly every day online in the game and on the forum i am also very activ
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GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 7:55 pm

I am sorry but you don't meet the requirements.
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Join date : 2012-05-10

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyThu May 10, 2012 6:19 pm

Dear Sir

I like to make a appliction for GM

My Name is Bruce and come from Switzerland.
I speek/write German, English and Albanian.
My username at molten is: neu123 and my character is: Deathbruce
I am 30 years old.
My experience as a GM is great because I really know all the Commands and I know how to get Hackers and Cheaters.
And yes I allready played on a retail often.
I think that I am the right person for that job because i am very kind and I know much about WoW so i can help people if they have problems. I too know how to deal with Hackers and Cheaters I really want to help people which have problems.
I want to be a GM I want to teach new people who just have started with WoW (molten) how to play and make them good and fair players of Molten.
I will be active on molten and on the Forum every day.

Thank you for your time.

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Join date : 2012-12-05

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyWed Dec 05, 2012 7:16 pm

My name is Falarea, and well my in-moltenwow name is also Falarea. The reason my UN (username) is Kreffalon is because my little brother put it as that and accepted. I am currently 19 and have been a GM before. I will need to catch up on the commands because I have been playing retail. I have been playing retail since BC first came out (I know you think I'm a junkie Razz ) I am also a fast learner. I am fluent in: Italian, German etc. I have been told by many people that I am great working with people. Thanks.
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GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Application for Game Master   GM Applications Here. EmptyTue Jul 02, 2013 1:03 am

Greetings,Molten staff!

The following text is my application for the position as GM on the server Neltherion.

My name is Michael and I'm an 19 years old student from Macedonia. My first semester at university is going to start much later this year so I'll have a couple of months in which I can actively provide my services to you as a GM. I speak and write both English,German,Russian,Polish,Hungary,Italy,Espanyol fluently which enables me to communicate with a broad range of WoW players. I've been playing on retail WoW for a couple of years which is why I know the game and its mechanics very well. Despite the fact that I have, unfortunately, never had the opportunity to gain any practical experience as a WoW GM, I am familiar with the theoretical part of the position (i.e. the GM commands). My engagement as a moderator in several online communities and my role as a GM on the MMORPG SilkRoad have equipped me with the social skills that I consider to be mandatory for this job. I'm exceptionally skilled at keeping a cool head when it comes to dealing with rude or obnoxious players, allowing me to represent the staff well by responding in a calm and professional manner. Overall I'm a positive guy who engages passionately in activities that interest him. I like to help people not for the sake of personal gain, which is why I'm willing to spend my free time helping out the staff, but because enhancing the gaming experience of others makes me happy as well. Due to the flexible nature of my "out-door" activities (I visit the gym a couple of times a week), I am able to fulfill my duties reliably no matter what time it is. Last but not least, I have a Skype account that I use every day and I possess a functioning microphone.

I hope you will provide me with an opportunity to show that I'm capable of handling the responsibilities that come with this position and I'm looking forward to your response.
My contacts are : Skype, Ymail (Skype= Michael Popovski ), Ymail-

Republic, Of Macedonia

afro afro afro afro 
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Join date : 2013-07-18

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 5:52 pm

Hello, my name is Anthony and I am 15 years old and would like to be a GM in Molten WoW. I have made several private servers with nobody on it except for me so I know alot of the commands. I play Retail WoW everyday. I think that I am appropriate in this position because I have alot of knowledge in it like it's commands and how to spawn things like buildings and NPCs. I want to be a GM in this specific private server because I think it is one if the most popular and best private server of all. I also speak English so I can communicate with other people on these servers. By the way the reason this account is so new is because I forgot the username and pass of my old one.

Sincerely, Anthony
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Join date : 2013-09-20

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptyFri Sep 20, 2013 6:09 pm

The following text is my application for the position as GM on the server Sargaras.

My name is Danie and I'm an 22 years old from South Africa. I can actively provide my services to you as a GM. I speak and write both English, fluently which enables me to communicate with a broad range of WoW players. I am familiar with all the commands used to have my own server for a while. I'm exceptionally skilled at keeping a cool head when it comes to dealing with rude or obnoxious players. My aim is to make Molten server the best Private server and that I am on almost 24/7. I don't like Cheaters so they wil feel my wrath don't even care if it is guildies or a friend they wil feel it

hoping I will hear from you,

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Join date : 2013-10-21
Age : 30
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GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.    GM Applications Here. EmptyMon Oct 21, 2013 11:29 pm

I like to make a appliction for GM

hey im mel 19 from the uk
i had started a small server but most of the other admins gave up and we had to abandon making the server
i started playing this server after that about a year and a half ago and i play retail wow to wotlk up to about 6k gs so i know a lot about the game
i have all ways liked helping ppl but cant still deal with ppl being angry or hacking and i was the one doing the most of the making of r last server and i am all ways on a lot
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Join date : 2014-01-08

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Gm application request   GM Applications Here. EmptyWed Jan 08, 2014 4:23 am

-Name: Andrea
-Age: 21
-Previous exp: I played a little as a Gm on a funserver so i know the basic commands.
-Previous wow exp: i played for 7 years on the retail's server Crushridge (Draneoss if you want to check) and I'm playing since 6 months here on Sargeras.
- I have a very good knowledge of the game cause I've been a player for a long long time. I can be online for 6-8 hours per day or even more, so I can cover a big range of time.I can speak italian,english,french and studying spanish. I'm ready to work hard to help improving the online game experience of the other players.
-When I left the retail version, warcraft was at the 4.3.4 patch, just the same as the server where I'm playing. When I first logged in Sargeras I really appreciated the good work you did on our servers and I know there 's always need of a help to keep things going in the right way. I would be proud to be a Gm in the molten team!
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Join date : 2015-01-22

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Ello,mon   GM Applications Here. EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 10:35 pm

How u doin mon,

Dis be mi aplication for you molten pepol,I hope u be happy with dis.Mi name is Voodoob'ebad and mi game name be Monbearpig,I be a druid,feral,druid.I be playin wow for long time,and I know hau to do lot of tings:fly a carpet,fly a frozon carpet,fly a magnoficont carpet.I be playin on retail sinc vanilla ice crem,and I be playin on molten for a year.Mi and mi mons made a server with a lot of oder mons,we once had 300 mons,dat be very many mons.I know very many comands,I know hau to make a chiken.Also I be knowin English very much gud,Vo'jin told mi hau to spel like a baus.I also know hau to help mons vhen dey be stuk in crosrods,I was once stuk in crosrods.If u be likin mi ting I wuld realy lik to becom a mon master.

Tank u for yur pationce.

Stay away from the voodoo
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Join date : 2015-01-25

GM Applications Here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Applications Here.   GM Applications Here. EmptySun Jan 25, 2015 12:46 am

Brbgn wrote:
Here you can post your GM Application.
- Name:Abdo
- Age: 17
- Previous experience as a GM and knowledge of commands:I played a little as a Gm on a funserver so i know the basic commands
- Knowledge of WoW, if you have played on retail and how many time.:i heve play in the server 6 years and i'm every time play in the server 24h in day online
- Why do you think you can be appropiate for the place:over a big range of time.I can speak English.Arebic.french.and i'm ready to work for Help peopel in game or anyway
- Why do you wanna be a GM here:Beacoz i Won't Help Peopel and i Wont Get Gm For help anyone and fixed propel in player
- Any other things you consider important:i Wont join Team Molten-wow Bcoz he all Work Good
Also, note that we won't reply to application unless we are interested in them - there are simply too many to answer them all.

Thank You All Admins Or GM's in Molten-WoW
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