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 Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting

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Posts : 32
Join date : 2009-07-07
Location : Silvermoon

Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting Empty
PostSubject: Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting   Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 3:16 pm

Rules for Contacting a GM

Here are the basic rules, tickets that do not meet this requirements will be deleted:

When NOT to contact a GM

Stuck: There are many ways to get rid of a stuck situation, first you should try the in-game Unstucker. If that doesn't work, LOGOUT and try our website unstucker. Only after having tried those 2 options, you can open a ticket for Unstucking purposes.

Unable to retrieve your corpse: Walk to another spirit healer. If that doesn't work, LOGOUT and then try our Website Unstucker. If that doesn't work, you can open a ticket for Reviving Purposes.

Game Questions: We would like to be able to help you with the game, but unfortunately our time is limited. There are many places in the Internet where you can learn a lot about WoW, like and

Asking for Items, Gold, Skills: Sorry, here in LastWoW we don't know what is that, so don't ask for it, you won't get any of those things from GM's, it just won't happen.

Reporting Quest bugs, missing mobs, bugged skills, etc...: GM's are there for ingame support. They can't fix this kind of bugs, they can only help with ingame problems. For all those problems that need coding, please use the forum, and post them with the most precise information you can.

If your problem is not listed above, congratulations, you can contact a GM.

Last edited by Brbgn on Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2009-07-07
Location : Silvermoon

Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting   Important things about Ticket making and GM contacting EmptyTue Jul 07, 2009 3:16 pm

How to contact GM's

The only accepted way to contact a GM for in-game Support are tickets. it is NOT allowed to contact a GM through any other way like Global Channel, Whisper...

The need for tickets

Tickets enable us to attend each case individually and better.
Don't talk to a GM before opening a ticket. If it is needed GM's will block whispers, we are human so it's hard for us to manage +5 whispers at a same time.

How to make a ticket

You can find a guide here

Asking for ticket reading

Don't ask a GM via global or whisper to read your ticket. It will be read and attended as soon as we can, it could be seconds, minutes, or even hours. If after 24h it hasn't been replied, resend it (don't edit it)since sometimes tickets may get lost.
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